joe and the snow (w/ more Thanksgiving pics!)

Today my cathedral is dressed in a light layer of white. a smooth cup o' joe, comfie recliner, spritzes of snow falling delicately to the ground just outside and 24 blaring in the foreground. my kind of day. also, the fact that I got up around 12. yeah, 12. I have an amazing husband who let me sleep in because I was exhausted- from his ceaseless energy and 24 watching until the a.m.'s that has … [Read more...]


google is freaking me out. I went out to a doctors appointment and when I came back my gmail background was a different color. Convinced that some devious person with a virus had come a-visiting, I quickly logged out. But now my Google home page looks different too. Grrrr. I don't like change!*******Bath water running, candles lit... sounds like a relaxing or romantic night, right? Not so much. … [Read more...]

I am a flem-ie mess, but I just don’t care

I don't know how to spell "flem" but I gots it. (flem that is) and I don't care, I want a bowl of ice cream tonight. Actually, a scoop. I'm so full of discipline these days. I don't care what the scale says tonight even though tomorrow I'll be po'd at myself. it tastes good. Quality ice cream is delish. and comforting. a comfort FOOD at last! as I'm hacking what sounds like a furr ball up tonight … [Read more...]


So, I watched the Sex and the City movie and- let me just say- I didn't realize how much sex is in the ummm, thus titled movie, and felt rather trashy afterwords- but I decided to check out one thing I learned in the movie. Her assistant got her designer handbags from a website and in my shallowness and desire to have things nicer than my water budget allows, I decided to go to bag, borrow or … [Read more...]