Bad Genetics {Pity Party!}

sick heidi

I know, I'm beating the dead horse here saying ONCE MORE that I'm sick. I have been sick so much more this year than I ever have before in my LIFE. I know, I know, it's so typical these days me whining about my health. This weather is wreaking havoc on my wellness, the hot to cold bit is making my sinuses complain and my ears ache as my lymphoids puff up. I eat well. I exercise. What am I … [Read more...]

Flu Woes


The flu has visited our house. The absolute unfairness of being sick while your kids are running around with enviable energy is staggering.  We have watched so much tv, the kids have ate chips for more meals than I'll be sharing and I've used candy liberally as a bribing method. Today was a low as I was in the bathroom forever, then took Bear to the bathroom because he had an accident (because … [Read more...]

comedy of ERrors

I am so exhausted. As many of you know, due the the plethora of electronic messaging outlets, we went to the hospital around 10:30 pm and left around 3:30 am. Summit had been unable to keep any liquids (or solids for that matter) down for over 8 hours and it was recommended to us that we took him to the ER for possible dehydration. I'm talking FOUNTAINS of vomit, it was like the Exorcist or … [Read more...]

Little Green Men Rest Easily

I feel like I have little, fat green men inside of me. Not in the creepy alien way, or just in an I'm crazy kind of way, (mostly,)but more in the musinex commercials where they have the mucus people "move into" your chest. You know, the cute, chubby little green men that are trying to have a vacation but their plans keep getting thawarted. I can't get rid of this goo in my chest, the little green … [Read more...]