APRIL MISCHIEVORY, JOKERY and in-general Tom Foolery…and I’m trailing off…

I'm totally pregnant!Ha ha, got you! Pathetic, Heidi, Pathetic. I was trying to think of some clever ruse to trick you guys but all I could think of was the lame-o "I'm pregnant" gag. How the mighty have fallen! I'm sitting here, at midnight searching my caffeine-highed out, sleep-deprived exhausted brain and coming up with nothing. So I hope that more trickie people come up with something to lie … [Read more...]

oh sleepless nights

This would be the second night in a row that I got little sleep. My brain is operating on caffeine only now, I can't even eat because my stupid teeth hurt so bad! My teeth hurt in the way that makes you slightly insane, like they itch, if teeth even can itch... but I can't scratch it or make it go away! So...Last night, somewhere in the a.m.'s, a loud noise awoke me from my tylnolol p.m. induced … [Read more...]


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update on: Just doing my civic responsibility officier

I buttoned my green sweater, fixed my hair in a messy bun with a headband, slipped on my stylish flats and went to court with an air of irritation at my important time thus being so rudely interrupted. I was the Nelson 10 minutes early, (the paper said if I failed to appear that a warrant would be issued so I had to be careful,) and waited with a pained look in the courtroom. I patiently waited to … [Read more...]