I am a flem-ie mess, but I just don’t care

I don’t know how to spell “flem” but I gots it. (flem that is) and I don’t care, I want a bowl of ice cream tonight. Actually, a scoop. I’m so full of discipline these days. I don’t care what the scale says tonight even though tomorrow I’ll be po’d at myself. it tastes good. Quality ice cream is delish. and comforting. a comfort FOOD at last! as I’m hacking what sounds like a furr ball up tonight later on in the a.m.’s I’ll curse my self indulgence but I feel good right now. I laughed with a friend on the phone for an hour (is it “an” before hour? it sounds right, but it’s not grammatically correct methinks) and it was grand. She has it equally as bad as me, if not worse and what brings friends together better than joint suffering, abeits in different areas? so we can laugh together and say what we really think without fears of being judged. the ice cream is so good but I’m already coughing and feeling my nasal cavities filling up slowly. ohjoy.

Ben and I just started watching season 3 of 24. watching seasons of shows together is one of the very few “hobbies” that we can do together without arguing. I wish we were like “Yeah, lets go running!” but we more often fall into the “do you want to eat some ice cream while we watch tv?” category. At least one of us isn’t a gung-ho exercise freak. it’s hilarious, we are the most compatible disagreeable couple in existence! we’re happy and agree perfectly in the areas that still need work in our marriage which still gives us a poor grade overall. How does that work?! we laughed! I’m slurping up the remnants of my melty ice cream. gag me, why did I eat this again? why why why? Ben chuckles at me from across the room. come and watch tv with me, he begs. it is what we do best together. We need some new hobbies. I’ll go let him be a coping mechanism instead of my darn, cold computer.

  • Cody, Kathleen and Joseph

    We are one of those sit on the couch and watch TV shows on DVD couples too! :) We just finished up season 2 of West Wing.

  • Kim

    We don’t keep ice cream in the house because we have no will power when it comes to ice cream. My all time favorite flavor is one no one has heard of…Gold Medal Ribbon by Baskin Robbins. It is chocolate and vanilla ice cream swirled together with a “ribbon” of caramel throughout. Dadgumit if the only Baskin Robbins around here closed.

    We are on Season 6 of 24. There is no way I could watch that show on TV and wait for it each week. We usually watch multiple episodes at a time.

  • David and Katy

    haha I can understand. Only, David doesn’t really like to ice cream so I have to indulge myself and feel guilty by myself! hobbies are overrated anyways, quality time is quality time nonetheless. David and I have been trying to garden in our free time…don’t know if that would interest you guys…we both aren’t very good at it so that helps…