Wordless Wednesday: First Day of Kindergarten


Breathing deeply, blinking a lot. Smiling bigger. Gahhhhhhh the day is here: Kindergarten. Ben & I joined millions of other parents from around the world this fall as we said good by to our oldest child entering his first year of school. We made it. :)   He woke up and came out wearing just his back pack and with a sleepy smile murmured, "I'm ready to go to kindergarten." We … [Read more...]


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    I've been hearing about it for months, but today I finally saw Bear in a Facebook Ad for a pre-school he used to go to. The ERC was both a great place for Bear to grow and be challenged as well as grief counselors for me as I worked through life's surprising curve ball. I was honored to let them use a photo. :) … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday

Miracle League

Bear's first day of Miracle League baseball started Saturday! I am so thankful for those amazing people who give up their Saturday to serve and let these children experience something normal in their lives. Perhaps Bear could play on a "normal" team- but I know that his enjoyment would not be nearly as great. :) In this photo he just hit the ball and wasn't sure what to do. You can see 4 people … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday: 5-year-old & I

This is a little preview of my blog post coming later this week where Bug, Bear and I visit a fine art museum...   … [Read more...]