Monday Mustaches

Earlier that day Bear had randomly asked me for a mustache. I laughed and although he didn't really get this, he enjoyed looking at the pictures.

Anytime I wish that I would have gone another route for my blog with naming it, I have to laugh because my life really is just a series of busy nothings. I mean, sometimes the nothings are somethings, but mostly I just stay so busy and I couldn't tell you really what I do specifically from day to day. This weekend, Ben had to work Saturday and Sunday and by the end of the weekend I was delirious … [Read more...]

Not There.

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Last week when Bear had surgery, I steeled myself. I just can't go to that mysterious there sometimes. There is weakness, there is statistics and there is my grief, ready as a wet woolen blanket to be thrown back on all over. When he was wheeled away on the almost comically over-sized hospital bed, I swallowed the lump back and turned away. NO. When the nurse came to say he was in surgery, … [Read more...]

Outdoor Adventures: “More Adventure”


I used to think that my inlaws lived in the middle of no where. I still think that to a certain extent (mainly because they have no cell service) but after driving into what is REALLY the middle of no where I'm changing my opinion a bit. :) As Bear said on the drive home, "MORE ADVENTURE!" We left Bug napping up the hill and went down Ben's parents driveway, off a highway 6 miles from a tiny … [Read more...]

Outdoor Adventures: Swimming


oh the insanity of it all. It's still March and we've had snow on the ground at this time in my remembered past. Not this year though! Our gym took down the bubble that covers their outdoor pool 2 months early and I decided I needed a *fun activity* for my crazy boys this hot afternoon. To say that Bear was excited about going swimming was a huge understatement. He clasped his hands over his … [Read more...]