Hope & Community


  I started to write a post on hope the other day and it fizzled in my draft folder. I went back to re-examine it today to see if I could breathe in some new life and it occurred to me why it had so difficult. I usually get blocked when I'm writing about something near to my heart but not being really honest with myself . I was talking about the hope of finding a community group... … [Read more...]

To Love Myself: Shame… (and ROACHES)


I've known for awhile that I have let shame be too big of a part of my life. Most of it is unaware, deep rooted in my subconscious that softly dictates what I think of myself and the filter in which I see life... and then there is the obvious stuff. Like roaches in my home. I'll get back to that in a minute. Most of my series "To Love Myself" has been a deeper, introspective look into my life … [Read more...]

amazing simplicity


15 minutes. "ONE, TWO, THREE... GO!" and he makes the sound of a gun going off as he runs across the house, thinking he's  as fast as the bullet. "LOOK MOM!" Everything is loud and passionate, Bear does everything in a big way, wanting to be noticed. Bug just watches him, copying every move. "MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY!" and he jumps off the couch while Bug face plants in the same place seconds … [Read more...]

To Love Myself: Eating Disorders


For awhile now I'm been dreaming of starting my fashionista series about how to look as trendy and cute as possible while you are just BROKE.  I kept running into delay after delay and I finally realized that I needed to take a step back and try to get a look at what ELSE was going on. I'm being led to do something really uncomfortable again- I've known it for awhile but didn't really feel like … [Read more...]