Monday Happies

boys bath

Last week I decided to start up my Monday Happies series- here is the second installment. I had high hopes to do Mr. Linky today- but please comment and give me a link back to your happy blog post anyways! I need some Monday happies! If my posts seem a tad snarky or sarcastic, I was out of town last week and I'm exhausted but know that I mean every word I say in a good way too! HAH! I just threw … [Read more...]

tummy tuck musings

I heard the other day that a friend of mine lost a friend over a blog post. Her post wasn't about joining an occult and sacrificing kittens or some such horrendousness, it was about how she has developed and changed in a positive way over the last year. Really. If me becoming a BETTER PERSON offends you than why are we even friends to begin with??? I think most of my friends these days are super … [Read more...]