my life, my frustrations, my pain

In the interest of keeping people updated on Summit, here’s the latest:

-His eye doctor, Dr. Brown, knew that the insurance that we had didn’t cover where they operate and chose not to inform us until we had booked the surgery. We were referred to them to have surgery so I feel this is inexcusable. I say they knew this because they knew which insurance we had, a very common one, and they knew then, that where they chose to operate wasn’t covered because this isn’t the first time it’s happened. The insurance lady actually said, “well, you may need to go somewhere else,” in a bright and cheery voice. Arg. I was so thrown off by her cheery voice that I had no comment.

-Our insurance won’t do anything- rightfully so- because the doctor chooses not to operate at a place covered by them. Why? Why would you choose to be in-network for a clinic then if people actually NEEDED your services choose a place out-of-network to operate? It is so bait and switchery I want to vomit. Thanks for taking hundreds (thousands?) of my dollars and tricking me in the end.

I am so pissed off. Is it 5:00 somewhere???
My life anthem

  • Autumn N. Brown

    Its 4:57 here. Hurry over before Hanna and Ill have a Mojito waiting.

  • David and Katy

    that is pretty annoying. dr’s offices are terrible and annoying. have you seen “sicko”? interesting stuff…by the way its 5:10 here in FL…:)