Holy Croup!

Summit has the croup. He was cranky all morning and sounded like a raspy old man that has smoked most of his life when he attempted to talk. By “talk”, I mean, what Summit thinks is talking. He’ll look at you very seriously and jibber jabber away, even with varying facial expressions like he is telling a very humorous story. And on another tangent: Don’t “compliment” someone by saying their child looks like an old man. It’s just not flattering. Old men aren’t cute. OH, I know some of you will be smarty pants and say, “oh yes they are! they are soooo cute,” in a sickeningly sweet baby voice which seems a little derogatory to me. YES, but not in the way that a mother wants her child to be compared to. Get it? Stop it.

So captain cranky pants was just that all day until I took him to the doctor. This being, by the way, the first trip I have made to the doctor for a sick child. My child that was not really sick. Well, I guess he is, he has the croup apparently, but he was hopping up and down in my arms and laughing as the doctor comes in. Could he at least pretend to be sick?? I just spent money unnecessarily. His diagnosis? Keep my house cold (Yesss!! an excuse!), a humidifier running (better run to the Wal-devil and get one) and stick his head in the freezer if it gets bad. Let me back up and say that he heard nothing in his chest, but with Summit’s whining while he listened, it’d have been a miracle if he heard anything. At least he isn’t one of those, “well, here’s a prescription and let’s see what happens…” kind of doctor. I can’t STAND that kind. They should be disbarred. Wait, that’s lawyers. Should be… fired.

He is suppose to be napping right now but I just heard his mobile going. I can assume that either a.) a stranger is in there making it turn which freaks me out even more because I’m reading The Shack and am home alone tonight, OR, b.) he has figured out for the first time how to climb up his crib and smack the mobile to get it going. I’m going with option b. My freaky cat just walked in the room startling me. I’m such a wuss. Better go play mom and check on him, laters.