Flu, RSV, Earaches and the Ebola Virus

well, not the ebola virus…

but it feels like it.

We are contagious folks! If you see us on the sidewalk, cross to the other side of the street! Summit was tested for RSV and the Flu today and tested positive for both. He has an earache, a 9 on a scale of 10, and has had a fever for 9 days straight.

I am miserable.

He has a breathing treatment he’s doing now and a new antibiotic to try to fix the earache since the other one hasn’t done anything. He cranky and miserable. I’m am too. and exhausted. Listening to the doctor describe what he has, I realized that is what I had too. I’m just further along than him, I’m over the flu and in the middle of RSV. I took a hit off his inhaler today and feel a little better. Should I have said that? Is that wrong? Maybe I should have said I took a puff… that still sounds druggie. His dr. actually suggested I tried his inhaler so I’m not being devious… Man, I SO have a guilty conscious!

Also in the guilt dept. is the fact that Summit and I have spread our germs to all of our families on both sides. My mom is quite ill now as are all of Summit’s cousins ’cause, like I said, we’re contagious, folks.

I’m kind of scared too. The drs. said that Summit is more susceptible to sickness than other kids cause of everything and they told me that many children with just one of either the Flu or RSV end up in the hospital. They weren’t trying to scare me but they said there is a big chance that is where Summit will end up soon. Eesh.

The beautiful thing? Summit loved his doctor! A FIRST! She was a “she” and that seemed to make the difference! He sat quietly (unheard of) and unrestrained (also unheard of) as she listened to his breathing. She got to hear his lungs really well so her diagnosis and treatment plan aren’t so much of a guess, but what he really needs. He saw the chiropractor as well and is getting some all natural medicine too (that doesn’t conflict with his other medications). When we did the first breathing treatment they said how much children hated it and usually you had to hold them down because it was so loud and scary for them. Summit seemed to enjoy it!!! He checked out the thick mist and he only pulled it away from his face out of curiosity. The drs. and nurses were very impressed with him! He even smiled for his doctor once and waved by-by! He also did very well with his inhaler tonight. He kept singing into it like a microphone, so obviously he feels a little better!

I’ve sent out a “help” e-mail to some of you, but for the rest of you, PLEASE be praying for us! We really need to get better- soon! :)

  • Amanda

    You must have given it to us, too. Yeah, I know we’re 1200 miles away. You’re that contagious. :)

    I am on the verge of going to the doctor, if that tells you how bad it is. The kids have been. Um, three or four times now? Antibiotics. K seems better, but D2 still has the leftovers. This sucks. I haven’t slept in a week.

  • Cody, Kathleen and Joseph

    I hope Summit stays clear of the hospital and that you all are on the road to recovery soon.