Popping Bubbles (slightly sarcastic and perhaps should be under the "Soapbox" label)

Do you ever think about doing crazy things when people are talking to you? I'm going to shoot myself in the foot here by even talking about this but sometimes when someone is talking to me (mostly serious conversations, especially in interviews) I think stuff like "what if I throw up all over them right now?" or "what if I just start screaming?" That is how I feel when I talk politics with people … [Read more...]

Pascal and Me. (Warning: Soapbox!)

Philosophy was always my favorite subject in High School and College. I loved all the logic and the way you could argue your points and be right. If only life were like my philosophy class! I try that with Ben and I can be "right" but still very wrong. My favorite philosopher was Blaise Pascal and I didn't know until this year that he was a Christian Philosopher when I discovered he wrote one of … [Read more...]

Soap Box: Being Relevant

*I like to name by ranting blogs "soapbox" so you know I just need to vent and that you shouldn't take me too seriously. Or should you???? she says cryptically. Take what you want from here, and leave the rest. Being Relevant. What does that mean? I had a friend say he didn't feel like he was relevant and it got me thinking, am I relevant, or am I too relevant? Relevant to what- you ask, that … [Read more...]

Something about Lion Cubs and God (Re-posted from myspace)

*This was a recent blog I wrote on myspace and I'm trying to move some of my favorites from there to here. It's my first serious one to post on here, just get ready for my "Soapbox" blogs!!something about lion cubs and God Sometimes I wonder why life has to be so hard! Watching the Animal Planet channel always makes me so sad! There is a cute fuzzy little cub and then all the sudden, a crocodile … [Read more...]