A MURDER, sprouting snakes, a sick kid, and salsa in my shoe (What?!)

The "murder" part of my title was actually the first murder mystery party I attended this last Saturday, not a real one. mwahahah! (A little bait and switchery for you!)It was at my house but I was not the hostess which was GREAT since Summit was sick. (more about that later...)It was so fun! It was for Lisa's birthday, and I think I'll have one for mine, it was a great idea and everyone that came … [Read more...]


blaaah. I've been sick the last couple of days... I also managed to delete all the blogs I like to keep up with too, as well as my counter. I'll figure it out tomorrow, Summit finally went to sleep so I'm going to hit the sack. … [Read more...]

Well wonders never cease

I made a vegetable soup last night... cabbage, carrots, green beans, zuccini, a little onion and garlic... and my meat-and-'taters husband actually ate a WHOLE bowl of it. He must be sicker than I thought! … [Read more...]