Little Green Men Rest Easily

I feel like I have little, fat green men inside of me. Not in the creepy alien way, or just in an I’m crazy kind of way, (mostly,)but more in the musinex commercials where they have the mucus people “move into” your chest. You know, the cute, chubby little green men that are trying to have a vacation but their plans keep getting thawarted. I can’t get rid of this goo in my chest, the little green men are making themselves very much at home indeed. I never have allergies, just when the weather changes radically I get a sinus infection and mucus. Very grrrrr. So I think the green men have moved away but it seems they just hibernated for a few weeks. I don’t know any medicine I can take for this, I guess, other than the musinex from the commercials but I don’t want to go to the doctor, I can’t afford to because our insurance sucks.

Yes, our insurance. Ben is insured for free, Summit is $100 and TEFRA picks up the rest of the tab, and me? I’m $500!!! and this is for super high deductable w/o co-pays. Isn’t that a bit ridiculous? Is this normal? What do you, my faithful readers (yet don’t comment, you closet readers, you know who you are) think of this? What do you pay? I’m hoping I fall into Obama’s plan for helping the least of these. Well, I may not be a LEAST of these but I’m pretty sure I’m one of “those”. One income kind of does that to you, takes you down a tax bracket or two. Ahhh for the glory days of double income!

Spoiler Alert! A post coming up soon will detail the drama surrounding Arkansas spring’s mud and a four-wheel drive vehicle not up for the challenge on a backwoods road and the ‘humorous’ attempts to get it out…
also with random nature shots taken whilst waiting for said vehicle to get un-stucked.

  • Lisa

    Heidi, You guys might want to look in to getting a separate policy for you online. We have Blue Cross Blue Shield and only pay 237 a month for all 3 of us. It covers everything but maternity. It has a $30 co-pay and reasonable deductibles.

  • Kim

    That does seem high. I think it is in the 300s a month for Ashlen and I and Chad’s is basically free. And we have a $3o copay. That doesn’t include dental or eye though.