black eyes and busted lips

I fell of a wooden office chair last night and onto my face. My right shoulder seems hyper extended so somehow I slightly caught myself before plowing my face in the carpet. You know you're in a bad spot when you fall on your face, wonder if your neck or nose is broken but feel your jaw and think whatever else is wrong with thank you GOD that doesn't hurt. As it is, as I was laying there stunned … [Read more...]

Surgery Update! 10-8-08 8pm

No....she is not writing this but I (Ben) am....Since I am the one writing this it will likely be much more of bore to read. (after reading this it will become abundantly clear why I don't blog :-)We arrived a little early for the appointment at 12:30p this afternoon. However, they ended up not even getting us in until 1:30p. So, we just sat in the waiting room with a bunch of friends who all came … [Read more...]