Surgery Update! 10-8-08 8pm

No….she is not writing this but I (Ben) am….

Since I am the one writing this it will likely be much more of bore to read. (after reading this it will become abundantly clear why I don’t blog :-)

We arrived a little early for the appointment at 12:30p this afternoon. However, they ended up not even getting us in until 1:30p. So, we just sat in the waiting room with a bunch of friends who all came up to see Heidi off to her jaw surgery. The surgery started about 2:15p and was done about 3:30p. She was in recovery for another 2 hrs! (She is very sensitive to medication) They finally pushed her out the door, because they wanted to go home not because she was ready, at 5:30p.

The doctor said the surgery went even better than expected.

Heidi is now at home resting and recovering. She seems to be doing pretty good considering.

We will post some pics and stuff later and I am sure her rendition of the events will be much more entertaining!! But until then…this is what you get!

  • David and Katy

    thanks for the update ben! i appreciate it. Hope Heidi feels better today. I heard she wasn’t as swollen as last time, which is good news. Praying for you guys! :)

  • Sarea

    You are right, she is MUCH more entertaining than you are!! LOL Thanks for the update though, and if you need anything, holler at me!

  • Steph

    Well I’m glad you updated. Hope she starts feeling better soon : ) I’m praying for her