sunny days (Pics!)

Summit loves to swim. He doesn't love being forced to do things he doesn't want to do in swimming lessons, but in general he is happy in the water. He loves splashing, smiling in glee as the water droplets splash me in my face. Sometimes he is still as I hold him, relaxing in the weightless suspension of the water. He blows bubbles when I ask him to. He loves his bucket and scoop. He tolerates it … [Read more...]

"wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles!"

as anyone well educated in classic, award-winning musical movies of a past era now currently in a nation-wide farewell play tour to the same actor that participated both in the movie and play as the main character, you will of course, undoubtedly, know what quote I'm using for my title. What is sad is that it was here at the Walton Arts Center and I missed it, for shame. Fiddler on the Roof was … [Read more...]

happy things (Pics!)

Rolo in a box.bumpit- HIGHER! I'm wearing one again and love the sheer wonderful dorkiness of it. Summit is like a dog lately in the sense that his tongue is always hanging out of his mouth. Can't figure that out. Teething perhaps?Ms. Ellie Elliephant (my least creative stuffed animal name.)my new back porch at sunset. I am not my hair. … [Read more...]

Happies: The Party (Pics!)

overwhelming to wake up to!Let's get this party started!mmmmmmmm, cake! Happy Birthday to Summit!Smiles and kisses all around for the audience! (or Grandma...)FOOD! and yes. The strawberries were shaped in an "S" for SUMMIT! Because that's just how I roll...eating cake. everywhere. Blaaaah, now it's see-food! mwahahahah, thats for you Katy! :)"It's all about me", thinks Summit to himself … [Read more...]