amazing simplicity


15 minutes. "ONE, TWO, THREE... GO!" and he makes the sound of a gun going off as he runs across the house, thinking he's  as fast as the bullet. "LOOK MOM!" Everything is loud and passionate, Bear does everything in a big way, wanting to be noticed. Bug just watches him, copying every move. "MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY!" and he jumps off the couch while Bug face plants in the same place seconds … [Read more...]

Twirling in Tube Socks


I can't dance. This is no surprise to anyone who knows me and my sister (who jumped in the air and her husband got this amazing picture)  is probably somewhere chuckling. Either I've really never been smooth on the dance floor (or anywhere else for that matter)  or the constant harassment of much more coordinated friends crushed my confidence in any ability I may have had. I tend to think that … [Read more...]

I almost forgot!

So, for my birthday, Ben took off work and set up my new website! Super yay! Yeah... so I have no idea what to do now. I'm actually kind of scared now. I'm asking myself... why did I want this so bad? Because it's been such a long time in coming that I had forgot my original passion... lol, so anyways, I'll be keeping you posted. It'll be here soon. It may be in pieces, but it'll be here … [Read more...]

of puppy dog tails (w/ Pics!)

Ben and I snickered at each other, it was a quarter to one in the morning and we were lightly throwing pebbles at my brother's window. I felt like I was in high school. We were co-conspirators, which was amazing in it of itself, because I was actually mad at him but putting it aside because of the excitement of the puppy arriving. Drew came to his window, bewildered and amused at us downstairs, … [Read more...]