I almost forgot!

So, for my birthday, Ben took off work and set up my new website! Super yay! Yeah… so I have no idea what to do now. I’m actually kind of scared now. I’m asking myself… why did I want this so bad? Because it’s been such a long time in coming that I had forgot my original passion… lol, so anyways, I’ll be keeping you posted. It’ll be here soon. It may be in pieces, but it’ll be here soon….

after the fact:

-in case is wasn’t obvious, the page will be *eventually* TheBusyNothings.com, add me to your sidebar please!

-if you want to be on my side bar of Blogs I read- let me know. I respect your privacy and won’t add you unless you specifically leave me a comment with permission.

Hello recent US visitors!!! (Geez- Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Utah and Arizona hating big time on me!)

  • David and Katy

    that's really exciting! david is still building his website but is having a supringly easy time in doing so. Can't wait to see yours :)

  • from the corners of my mind…

    I give you full permission to add me! Ha! Way to go on the website and where did you find a map of who's viewing you??

    P.S. Hook me up with people you know who are in Seoul! I'm still hoping to find someone closer than 45 minutes!

  • http://janahale.blogspot.com Jana

    Luuhrve the new blog! You have permission to add me if you so choose. I’m about to change your link on my page right now.