"Nothings going to change my world"

Summit loves music. Today he was grumpily trying to pull his patch off and when I'd pull his hands away he'd start crying. Such a fun game. I've tried the distraction methods, his "stations" as I like to call them. First the johnny jumper, then the exersauser, his brand-new walker he's not too sure about, his play mat, ME (the least fun option apparantly...) Wow- off topic- it's thundering so … [Read more...]

The bottom 5%

Who here is optimistic? Would you say that the bottom 5% is really just um... well, you optimists can come out and tell me how to say it more positively. It's not a 50-50 deal where the glass is half full. The bottom 5% and 10% are kind of bad for whatever you are making a scale of. Right? I'm not trying to be pessimistic, just realistic. So, what I'm getting at, what all the percent statements … [Read more...]