happening upon being alive inside

I've been writing this particular blog in my head for awhile. Your Head? you say incredulously, to which I reply back, Yes, all my best writing is in my head and just the scraps make it to this blog so if you like my blog you should see my head!I've been thinking about thankfulness and grace for awhile and several things have struck me. One is, how different would I live if I truly grasped the … [Read more...]

My Left Foot

is larger than my right one. this is what I get for trying on a pair of boots, but only putting it on my right foot. I liked what I saw, Rightie here was fitting good and I assumed. Yes, assumed away and now my left foot is cramped. Great. … [Read more...]

¡ay Dios mío!

I slept late today because Ben forgot to wake me up and I don't own an alarm clock and Ben informed me that it's my fault I didn't own one and didn't set said non-existent alarm clock and thus get up on time. When I'm exhausted and stressed about getting up late his logic makes perfect sense to me and I think I apologized for being snappy and panicked. He wisely put on Christmas music a second … [Read more...]

Shallow Heidi

What is the ultimate in not being satisfied with what God gave you? Curling my hair. Yes, spending the time straighten my long, wild, curly hair, and then taking even MORE time to re-curl it to a more fashionable curl. I mean, what the heck- even I see the irony here but I love the way the "cool" curls look!! I curled my hair for the first time last night for Ben's work party. I felt like a movie … [Read more...]