Supernova, sans booze

For all of you Oasis I loved them! I used to listen to Wonderwall and Champagne Supernova constantly on the radio at night. I even made compilation tapes from the radio with them and the likes of Selena and Sophie B. Hawkins among other 90's greats.I feel like a supernova lately. Before you wikipedia it to find out what that is, I'll explain a little. And admit it, you were thinking … [Read more...]

Why is the bread in the bathroom?

I still don't know. I operate so much better fueled by caffeine. … [Read more...]

would you like some more cheese?

I was reading a blog the other day and the girilie had lovely pictures of her cooking something delicious on it. I was jealous. If I made cornbread it'd be a picture of me stirring a jiffy box in a bowl and then trying to sneak something healthy in there. That's about the extent of my ability. I have to admit- it's sometimes hard for me to see how talented some other folks are, doesn't that sound … [Read more...]

Now and Then

I was reading in an old journal the other day and was thoroughly depressed afterwords. I mean, I was such a dork when I was 16! I could read between the lines of what I was writing in my journal, because I know myself and all, and w-o-w. I wouldn't commit anything to paper that could have the possibility of embarrassing me later (like what I read in my sister's diary when she wasn't around.) I … [Read more...]