Country Living {The Travel Version}


Since we are headed back tomorrow, it is safe for me to finally post this...(My parents tend to get a little anxious if we post anything on line stating we are ALL away from 'the hill'.)  The plan was for all of us to spend the week in Branson. We are pretty infamous for not leaving or arriving on time, so when I heard, "We are leaving at 9:30 am" I didn't take it too seriously.  All 10 of us … [Read more...]

In which Sarea does nothing she planned…

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This is my weekend without kids...I'm supposed to be reflecting on my life, setting goals and thinking about where I am and where I want to be... Instead, I'm doing this... Painting my nails for the Naturals baseball game tonight... Cleaning the nightmare of newspaper subscription off my desk... Watching movies:  "Les Miserables", "Mama", "Jack Reacher", "The Impossible", "Hansel and … [Read more...]

Does Anyone Think Anymore?


The other day on my way to the gym (yes, shameless pat on the back here), I didn't turn my radio on.  That is not normal for me, I love music!  I just felt like thinking and I don't get a lot of time to do that.  I mean, I don't MAKE time to do that.  I am not talking about thinking about what's for dinner, my 'To Do List', or little things like that, but LIFE.  Then I started wondering...How … [Read more...]

It’s Summer?


I don't know where to start. I am a fall/spring kind of gal...always have been.  Winter is third, with summer bringing up the rear.  How did we get to summer and what happened to spring?  We went from snow to flooding to HEAT! (and all of that was in the matter of about 2 weeks)  I'm not complaining, it's just no one checked with me first.  We are homeschooling through the summer this … [Read more...]