It’s Monday…


Heidi is in my favorite state...Colorado. I'm not bitter. The next three pictures describe my last few days... I'm NOT bitter. Seriously. I'm not bitter... What did your weekend look like?   … [Read more...]

Chore Charts Country Style!


I decided to make the kids some chore charts that would be re-usable and also blend with the decor (or lack thereof) in my home.  I was the fortunate beneficiary of some old windows, so they inspired this project! The first thing that I did was borrow my sister's electric sander, and sanded all three windows to remove all the old chipped off paint. Once that was done, I painted just one … [Read more...]

Routine users UNITE!

Beautiful chalkboard made by my talented sister!

Starting today, we are implementing a new routine as well as some guidelines and THEMED DAYS!  I am seriously so excited about this... However, I am a great visionary, with sometimes less than stellar results in the actual DOING.  So, with that being said, I am giving you permission my sweet commentators (and just to clarify, all of our readers are sweet, but only the commentators are getting … [Read more...]

Velveeta Equals Personal Feast


As a single mother, I rely on my boys to help out around the house a lot. Typically my boys are always ready to help out where ever they are needed.  However, some things take me asking more than once: "Please take out the trash." "I need the lawn mowed." "Did someone feed the cats this morning?" Other things only need to be mentioned casually: "I need to put new brakes on the … [Read more...]