To Love Myself: Health and Truth

in the Light

After not being able to eat a meal for 4 days because of a bad case of strep throat, I began to appreciate how delicious food is and LIFE giving. Every time I'd try to eat I'd be choking it down and the effort to swallow felt like needles stabbing me. This was a terrible, terrible ordeal and in the middle of it I found myself bargaining with God for health, praying to God for health and … [Read more...]

Bad Genetics {Pity Party!}

sick heidi

I know, I'm beating the dead horse here saying ONCE MORE that I'm sick. I have been sick so much more this year than I ever have before in my LIFE. I know, I know, it's so typical these days me whining about my health. This weather is wreaking havoc on my wellness, the hot to cold bit is making my sinuses complain and my ears ache as my lymphoids puff up. I eat well. I exercise. What am I … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday: Potty Training

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Is it ironic that I usually name my Wordless Wednesdays? Anyways, I love a title or caption for pics so today's is the hilarity, the hair-pulling out *fun* of potty training my sweet almost 2-year-old. … [Read more...]

Veggies Galore with Chicken & Parmesan


Some days after I've had a hard work out- OK, or it's a certain time of the month, I just want to eat A LOT. It doesn't typically matter what, but I want QUANTITY.  Today, both of the afore mentioned issues happened to coincide on the same day and I came home ravenous for a very large plateful of ... well, I didn't have dorritos, chocolate cake or cheeseburgers quickly on hand so I decided … [Read more...]