Wordless Wednesday: Rainy Days


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The Monster is actually a Mouse

Bear was chasing Bug around the large, white room, yelling at him "MINE! MINE! MINE!" to give him a slinky. Bug, however, is quicker than Bear, and darted behind a few occupied chairs peering around a shoulder at his brother. They weaved in and out of chairs, tripping over feet and file folders. "Beeee aaaaaar," I am using my sing-song voice, hoping he can't hear the edge of nervous stress. … [Read more...]

A Fine Dime: Another Black Dress

black dress2

I know, it's been forever since I've done one of these posts! I think that is partially because I've not been well and no one is impressed with sweat pants and tee shirts. :) The other part is that I haven't been shopping much lately and thus not had a lot of new content. If all the people who said they'd do guest post would send theirs in, (ahem... HINT HINT) we'd be ok, but for now you'll just … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday

sick bug

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