Tibet, you say? Some Chinese perspective.

I have a conversation club I do with my Dad on Wednesdays at the U of A comprised of international students wanting to learn English better. It's really fun, I look forward to the time every week. In it we go over all sorts of topics to help them better understand our culture as well as slang and all the random sayings we have. There are different levels of skill and last year I was in a group … [Read more...]


When it rains, it pours. I want to go to Florida or Hawaii.something happy: the weather has been nice this week. … [Read more...]

Pascal and Me. (Warning: Soapbox!)

Philosophy was always my favorite subject in High School and College. I loved all the logic and the way you could argue your points and be right. If only life were like my philosophy class! I try that with Ben and I can be "right" but still very wrong. My favorite philosopher was Blaise Pascal and I didn't know until this year that he was a Christian Philosopher when I discovered he wrote one of … [Read more...]

blah blah I feel like complaining

I have refrained about writing "fat" blogs b/c there is NO point and honestly no one really wants to hear about my griping, but what the hey, I'm having a fat day today. I have hit a new low... I am having to wear what used to be a night shirt to go work out in b/c ALL my other shirts don't fit right and make my thighs look even more massive. I liked winter when I could hide under layers and … [Read more...]