blah blah I feel like complaining

I have refrained about writing “fat” blogs b/c there is NO point and honestly no one really wants to hear about my griping, but what the hey, I’m having a fat day today. I have hit a new low… I am having to wear what used to be a night shirt to go work out in b/c ALL my other shirts don’t fit right and make my thighs look even more massive. I liked winter when I could hide under layers and layers but the spring is unforgiving. To top this all off, Summit has brown spots on his teeth so I called the dentist and they said yes, it’s a sign of tooth decay. So I have to take him to the dentist. Another Doctor. And who do I have to blame for this? ME. I could have been brushing his teeth from day one, but I didn’t b/c I listened to some stupid advice that told me that breast fed babies don’t really need to have their teeth brushed. Why didn’t I do any research? I am so stupid. My phone rang and I answered it (against Ben’s explicit orders not to talk b/c we are over our minutes) thinking it was the dentist calling me back and no no no it was the collections people calling about Summit’s doctors bill that the insurance paid. Well, apparently they didn’t get the memo… or maybe it didn’t pay for something else that we didn’t know about. Wouldn’t surprise me right now. My day sucks.

  • Amanda

    I’ve been told that a warm wash cloth just rubbed over the teeth works as well as the little finger brush with tooth paste. I don’t know that for sure, but it may be easier.

    ….and if you’re fat, I’m a hoss. Just so you know.