Top 8 Pre-Christmas Magical Moments

Some years are better than others: some Christmases are full of amazing presents and others are full of amazing memories. I don’t think presents make the holiday at all but it’s always fun to get your child that perfect gift that makes them light up.  This year, finances are pretty tight so it’s gonna have to be all be about the memories. :) What memories are you making with your family this time of year?

Sometimes it’s has nothing to do with Christmas. I took the boys to a demolition site to watch a huge tractor thingie pick up piles of a building. They love it!

Having friends in town who “get” that my love language might just be spoken in Cake Pops.

Refusing to be still for a picture at the Lights of the Ozarks on the Fayetteville Square. It’s a magical place with beautiful Christmas lights, camel and pony rides, delicious snacks and folksy live music. I want the boys to have a magical Christmas!

Christmas Eve EVE special breakfast of Gluten-Free French Toast with powered sugar.

The promise, the hope of a WHITE CHRISTMAS! It sends chills of Christmas anticipation shivering down my spine.

A roaring fire in the fireplace and Bear getting to have his first cup of hot chocolate! He loved it (right before he broke out in hives… sheesh).

Stopping by Bliss Cupcake for a 20% day old Gluten Free Cupcake! :) It lasted about 30 seconds…

Getting some early Christmas presents from Aunt Sherry!