Top 8 Pre-Christmas Magical Moments

10. Sometimes it's has nothing to do with Christmas. I took the boys to a demolition site to watch a huge tractor thingie pick up piles of a building. They love it!

Some years are better than others: some Christmases are full of amazing presents and others are full of amazing memories. I don't think presents make the holiday at all but it's always fun to get your child that perfect gift that makes them light up.  This year, finances are pretty tight so it's gonna have to be all be about the memories. :) What memories are you making with your family this … [Read more...]

The Hunt

Diptic (1)

This was the first year Bear didn't cry as he ran into the free for all egg hunt at his school . Bug was at his side, not really getting the concept of gathering eggs,  but adding a stability for a few minutes that Bear seemed to need. Quickly he was looking for the eggs and Bug was playing in the rocks. and it was good. … [Read more...]