amazing simplicity


15 minutes. "ONE, TWO, THREE... GO!" and he makes the sound of a gun going off as he runs across the house, thinking he's  as fast as the bullet. "LOOK MOM!" Everything is loud and passionate, Bear does everything in a big way, wanting to be noticed. Bug just watches him, copying every move. "MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY!" and he jumps off the couch while Bug face plants in the same place seconds … [Read more...]


I caved in. Why not? If you haven't heard (don't feel bad, I only heard about it today too) there is this thing going around the internet called the "Accent Vlog". Basically it's a bunch of words and questions that really define where you are from regionally. It's fun. I've never linked up to other blogs before on a topic so I'm hoping to get some feedback and just have fun with this. I'm … [Read more...]