he matches ME

As I smoothed lotion over Summit’s crawling-chapped knees once again today, I marveled at him, my child.

When Summit entered this world, everyone excitedly remarked over and over how much he looked like Ben! He was called mini-Ben. He had the Clark chin, Grandma Clark’s mouth, Katy’s eyes, etc. I felt suddenly lost with this stranger that had been growing in me. I couldn’t hold him because I was shaking so much from the medicine. I craned my neck, trying to see some resemblance that would make him MINE and less a stranger. His crying tore at my heart and I wanted to comfort him. My hands stilled, my arms ached for him. Once nestled into my arms, I saw it. My connection. His creamy golden skin perfectly matched me, our tones were identical. He was mine.

  • Kara

    oh my heavens. too sweet.