finding comfort in nature, aka God

cold, steel gray clouds cut into the soft orange sherbet of a sunset. The orange glow above the naked trees seriously looked edible. I realized right then that I hadn’t ate all day. I just had coffee in the morning and 4 or 5 cheerios when I packed a snack for Summit.

I look to nature for comfort when I’m upset. When Summit started screaming from the knowledge something bad was about to happen- being held down- then the prick of the needle from the nurses taking a vial of blood to test, I wanted to scream along with him. Instead, I ran outside and sat on a bench trying to breathe and not have a melt down. After just a few moments, the coldness seeped in, quietly numbing. I love the coldness, the absolute silence of it. Jupiter and Venus sparkled down at me next to the crescent moon. The moon seems out early, at just after 5 pm. I thanked my God and ran back inside to console my baby.

  • Sarea

    Great post! Nature is the BEST place to get in tune with God . . .and to really feel Him! I am going to spend some time outside today!