Life and then some

Running through the rain.

As I fought back a torrent of tears earlier I realized how little I really let myself feel these days. Sure, there's the anxiety attacks that creep up and then grab me from behind like a friend yelling, "guess who?" in a cheerily delightful voice, but I drown them out speaking truth. Some times take longer than others. I have a friend who is dying from anerexia and I haven't seen her in awhile. … [Read more...]

Because this is Funny… {Vlog}

Bear's post-fire works interview. Bear, if you have been following, has a rare genetic disorder called William's Syndrome. Click on the tab if you want to read more. He is delightful and expressive, enjoy. :) … [Read more...]


Bear's pre-school graduation

  I don't talk a lot about Bear and William's Syndrome on here. I think that I've said it before that this is kind of an escape for me here on my blog,  but every now and again I like to talk about him. Because he's just pretty awesome. :) Today he graduated from pre-school. He was precious and got the loudest round of applause when his name was called. He ran up to get his … [Read more...]

Springtime and Surgery


I've shooed my boys outside and I am hearing laughter as they play together which is like salve on my heart. The weather is perfect and I love having my doors open. Over the last few months I've seen them really begin to enjoy each other for the first time. It's spring time and I'm enjoying their blooming relationship more than even the trees and flowers, which is cheesy to say but true.  The … [Read more...]