the lows.

I have done some things on this trip in my hotel room that I have never done before while in a hotel room. "Whooh, Heidi, TMI!" you say, but NO, THAT is not what I'm talking about. I am talking about something much tamer: I have laid on the bedspread. I know! Wild and crazy! I don't ever do that because of lovely 20/20 investigates. Darn that show and the way they make me a germophob! Another … [Read more...]


This is such a huge part of our lives that I wanted to share some of the pictures from Summit's therapy that we go to twice a week. He loves it! He works so hard and has such a good attitude about it that his therapists (of course!) love him. They constantly say what a happy boy he is and how charming he is. He is starting to get manipulative with them and will try to hug them to get out of doing … [Read more...]

would you like some cheese?

I got my reports back from the Elizabeth Center today. It took them 3 months to complete them and by taking this long (besides trying my patience) it possibly will make it more difficult to change what he's doing wrong because he's older. I'm not going to worry about it though. He will start therapy soon, both occupational and physical. I won't bore you with the details of the reports, but … [Read more...]


Another hard blog to write. Is it just my insufferable pride that wants everyone to think Summit is completely fine or is it just a sense of protection that moms have for their kids? I don't know, either way, blogs like this are hard for me to write but good for my soul. Also, this way I don't have to re-tell it to so many people. :) Ha ha, see I can still laugh! I'm listening to my favorite song … [Read more...]