preschool {freedom!}

genius. :)

I've decided to put Bug in full time preschool.  I imagine hearing a collective gasp from homeschool moms and my friends who stay at home with their toddlers. Because I feel that deep rooted mom guilt coupled with the "I'm not good enough" weight on my shoulders. Phrases like, "I should..." or "If I was a great mom I would..." bounce around in my head and I'm playing chase trying to capture … [Read more...]

Not My Own.


How ironic, I thought briefly watching Bear fall through the air, banging against a metal bar with his face before falling on his head on the ground. Less than 2 hours ago I had been telling my friend that I believed in Chiropractic services and I wish that I could afford them again. When my 2 boys were babies I took each of them their first year and feel that is made a huge difference in their … [Read more...]

"wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles!"

as anyone well educated in classic, award-winning musical movies of a past era now currently in a nation-wide farewell play tour to the same actor that participated both in the movie and play as the main character, you will of course, undoubtedly, know what quote I'm using for my title. What is sad is that it was here at the Walton Arts Center and I missed it, for shame. Fiddler on the Roof was … [Read more...]