preschool {freedom!}


I’ve decided to put Bug in full time preschool. 

I imagine hearing a collective gasp from homeschool moms and my friends who stay at home with their toddlers.

Because I feel that deep rooted mom guilt coupled with the “I’m not good enough” weight on my shoulders. Phrases like, “I should…” or “If I was a great mom I would…” bounce around in my head and I’m playing chase trying to capture each thought and speak truth over the crowding lies.

genius. :)

I’ve decided to put Bug in full time preschool. 

He is the reason pre-school was invented for the just turned 2 year old crowd. He is bright and extremely energetic. He wants to learn, run and explore every minute he is awake. He is intense and purposeful!

He needs friends! He needs a teacher who can give him the toys, tools and interaction to be the best version of himself that there is.

…and I feel the gut wrenching guilt of not being enough AGAIN. This is how I felt 2 1/2 years ago when I put Bear in full time pre-school. I felt that if I was a “good” mother that I’d be able to best provide all aspects of his life and I couldn’t. Preschool was the best choice for Bear then and now it is for Bug for entirely different reasons.

I’ve agonized for weeks about this and my decision to go back to work full-time. Because, you know, full time moms can’t possibley be good mothers too.  I’ve captured that lie and spoke truth until I recognize it as such. It is NOT true.



I’ve decided to put Bug in full time preschool. 

:) and I couldn’t be more happy.


Freedom comes in ways I never thought it could. I’m thankful for the men and women who have fought for our freedom so this decision was even one that was a choice I had to make. I can’t comprehend the amount of sacrifice that has been made for my life to exist.  Happy 4th!



  • Sarah

    Heidi, I know this decision had to be do hard for you. It’s also how you know it was the best decision. Anyone who knows you how much you love your kids. Bug is going to have so much fun. We all struggle with mom guilt, so I know this is easier said than done, but be confident that you made the best decision and don’t look back. Staying home is hard and working is hard. I hate that we all feel guilt on top of that. We should schedule our date soon :)

  • Jasmine

    Don’t give it a second thought. That kid will love it. No one human could provide that race car all the stimulation he needs for a day. Sheesh. 😉 Keep your head up.

  • Katy

    Do not give into doubt & fear which are from Satan! You are an amazing mother & know what’s best for your children!

  • Heidi

    thanks Katy!

  • Heidi

    RIGHT? he makes 5 hr energy stock go up. :)

  • Heidi

    Thanks so much! It’s been super hard but right. :/ maybe my feelings will catch up soon!