Taco Fixin’s Dip {gluten-free}

Gluten Free Taco Fixin's Dip

I'm not going to lie- this dip is kind of the opposite of what I eat usually and tolerate in my house. In fact, I may loose some followers with this little secret... there is a little velveeta cheese in this. I know- collective gasp, judge a bit, and now move on because I'm here to tell you that this is delicious and a little processed, plastic cheese won't kill you. :) So, as usual, this … [Read more...]

“Hot Chocolate” Cake Balls (Gluten Free)


YES REALLY!!! Browsing on Pinterest last month, (I have a Follow button on my side bar where you can link to my boards!), I stumbled across the most delectable pictures EVER! Take a look here at Be Different, Act Normal. Yes, you read my title right. Hot Chocolate and Cake Balls. Together. In a perfect matrimony of deliciousness. I decided that I HAD to make a gluten-free version for a … [Read more...]

International Delight COFFEE, say what?!


(***This is not a paid endorsement.) I hate admitting this, but I think my love language is food... Don't tell me that it can't be either, Ben argues with me every time I say that but it's true! That being said, today as I opened the front door to a misty morning, a mysterious package awaited me. Inside there was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen! Nestled in frozen (re-useable!) ice … [Read more...]

Be Good 2 Yourself: Quick Homemade Salsa

OK, this isn't some great GREAT recipe, but I love it, Ben loves it, Summit loves it and everyone that comes to our house loves it. Although it's lacking in a lot of homemadery, it's still amazing. I use regular ingredients right now, (as opposed to organic) because none of this stuff is really bad for you or has a lot of harmful chemicals. I have to pick and choose right now as my meager budget … [Read more...]