Be Good 2 Yourself: Quick Homemade Salsa

OK, this isn’t some great GREAT recipe, but I love it, Ben loves it, Summit loves it and everyone that comes to our house loves it. Although it’s lacking in a lot of homemadery, it’s still amazing. I use regular ingredients right now, (as opposed to organic) because none of this stuff is really bad for you or has a lot of harmful chemicals. I have to pick and choose right now as my meager budget doesn’t allow for all things organic! :)

2 14 oz. cans of diced tomatoes with green chilies (the jalapeno version gives it an additional kick if thats what your in to)
1 14 oz. can of diced tomatoes (the garlic and onion version add a good flavor too)
1/4 diced onion (onion can quickly over power the flavors so be sure not to add too much)
Cilantro, about 1/2 of the bunches’ leaves.
salt and pepper to taste

Throw all the ingredients in your blender and blend for just a few seconds to get everything mixed and chopped but not liquefied.

Enjoy… and thanks to Sarea for sharing it with me! Some days I just eat this salsa and avocados for lunch. yummy!

  • David and Katy

    NOO dont share that recipe with the world! :) I am famous for it here! haha

  • Sarea

    Your welcome! I love that stuff!! In fact, I am going to ‘whip’ some up this afternoon! Thanks for the shout out! 😉