of sugary sweetness, rose petals, tulips a’bloom, chocolates galore and all such gooey romantic sweet nothings

The lights of Mary Maestri's glowed like soft lanterns through the glass windows of the McDonald's where I chewed some fries and sipped a dr.pepper. I thought of pasta, a lot actually. I asked Ben if we were some bad "you know you're a redneck when..." joke by eating here. He disagreed. The staff at McDonalds started singing "Single Ladies" when a friend of the manager came by to pick her up for … [Read more...]

watch out for camel x-ing (Pics!)

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A Year Ago This Week! (Pics!)

Dedication Pics (Feb. 2008) … [Read more...]

like an alarm…

The other day Ben was scrolling through all of these noises on a sleep machine application for his iphone. There was the white noise, jungle, rain, etc. He settled on one that created the imagery of a perfect day: a slight white/traffic noise in the background with an occasional bird chirping, etc. It made me think of a beautiful sunny day at the park in the early spring. Today, it was that day. … [Read more...]