my boys, Valentine’s Day 2012

valentine's day

  An early Wordless Wednesday for you since it's Valentine's Day. … [Read more...]

My sweet family…


Today we went to have our family pictures made. It was a beautiful, clear fall day. The kind that makes your blood rush in excitement, the leaves were colorful and bright- even the ones on ground still retained their intensity that this fall has provided. The wind tousled our hair and the children, those darling little angles, were... screaming. Yes. In spite of all the magic around us, Bear … [Read more...]

A Win. and I’ll take it!


Do you ever have an accidental win as a parent? My example comes after a long, hard day- after about 15 other hard ones preceding. So- basically this month has sucked BUT that is NOT what this post is about. :) Today I got a win. Even if it was accidental. We have been going non-stop today. It's been hot and for some reason my all-natural deodorant has NOT been working lately and I felt … [Read more...]

bad mom/ good mom

Bad Mom:"Summit! GET out of the FREAKIN' trash can!" I go over there and snatch his hand out, pop the other one lightly and growl at him while dragging him away. 5 minutes later-"WHAT THE HECK SUMMIT?! I told you NOT TO THROW YOUR SNACK CUP IN THE TRASH!! UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I smack his diapered butt inefficiently, he looks up at me, tears in his eyes, sad at my deprivation of his fun times. I drag … [Read more...]