being "all natural"

I’ve been called hippie before- not the tie-dye wearing kind- but in that I like to use natural methods when I’m sick, I wear all natural deodorant, (which… isn’t quite working as well as I wanted it too…) I give Summit organic baby food when I don’t make it, and (GASP!) I’m waiting to give him immunizations! -that topic is another blog in itself so I’ll get to my point here.

My choice of an “all natural” (when I can afford it) lifestyle extends to my house hold cleaners and more recently, my dear cats. Now Rolo has “allergies”. That is, she bites and itches herself due to an unknown cause then starts to loose fur and her appetite. Dust perhaps? maybe 1 flea, b/c there is no way a cat owned by me in my house has multiple fleas!! A vet suggested that I give her cortisone shots but me in my “all natural” ways decided to treat it myself with all natural flea medicine. It was suppose to smell like a light “mint”, and I thought, “that sounds nicer than the harsh chemical scent that the flea medication usually smells like.” Plus it wasn’t harmful to the environment… or my kid… etc.

Well. As soon as you walk in my house you are assaulted by a harsh, slightly minty scent. It has been 3 days. And the scent is still there, hanging on. Clinging, if you will. AND my bed. OH MY BED. the one I wrote a poem to. It is no longer my sanctuary. It is the epicenter of the smell b/c apparently Rolo took a nap on my bed after I applied the treatment. Maybe she rolled around on it to get me back. I don’t know how to get rid of it. Perhaps I should use some of my all natural cleaner…

  • Sarea

    OMGosh! I am cracking up at this blog!! Your poor bed! Ha ha . . . Don’t forget your curly hair, that makes you a hippie too, and don’t you wear skirts . . .hippie! LOL Oh my seriously, tears running down my face . . .cheeks hurt . . .gotta . . BREATHE!! Okay, I am fine, but next time a WARNING please! LOL

  • Sarah

    Did you see that Clorox has a new natural line out? I’m curious. I do still love me some Method and 2nd Generation though.