Chocolate Chip Energy Bites! {Healthy no bake recipe}


Living in Colorado has really opened my eyes to new things. One thing in particular is delicious healthy food. Healthy food is a default decision for most people here. When I arrived at a Grill Out Party last week I find that there's a choice of regular, chicken, turkey and veggie hot dogs or  black bean burgers or you even have a choice of a plate of grilled veggies! Sides included … [Read more...]

Exploring Bentonville Farmer’s Market- 5 Favorites of the Day!


As I say in every post, I'm BUSY.  I rarely take time to just sit, be IN a moment without thinking about my next step. Every day is busy with planned out events... or I'm sleeping. :) Today, however, I took the time to change it up. I was a little impractical and the result was beautiful.  Bug and I hopped in the car first thing this morning and drove 35 minutes to Bentonville, to the heart at … [Read more...]

Be Good 2 Yourself: The Dirty Dozen

I love to learn. Lately, I'm educating myself on all things healthy eating related. Now if only I could implement more of what I learned... Obviously in a perfect world we wouldn't have to worry about chemicals in our food, pesticides on our fruits and vegetables and wondering what exactly is the big difference between organic and all natural, and is it really that much better??? I'm still … [Read more...]

Be Good 2 Yourself: Instant SUPER Oatmeal

I'm taking Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace course right now and I highly recommend that you do too. Even if you are pretty debt free, it shows you how to budget better and save money in lots of different ways. The run-a-muck is doing a give away for Dave Ramsey products, check out her website and enter!One good way to save money is to make your own convenience foods from scratch ahead of time. I … [Read more...]