Being "All Natural" part 2

Usually I can say I learn from my mistakes, but like Sarah with her habanero peppers and eating the pizza anyways, I am also super cheap and want to use what I have b/c it’s already been paid for. Case in point:
Apparently I forgot how BAD the “light minty” scent was for my all-natural, organic flea drops for Rolo. My head hurts b/t my eyes, probably from my nasal cavities being thus assaulted. She is following me to get me back. No, seriously. She never follows me, but tonight she has remained within several feet of me. I went to the office to escape her smell, and after several minutes I noticed a “light minty” scent and looked around- she was sitting in the chair nearby! Staring at me! It freaked me out a little actually. Apparently I didn’t shut the door as well as I thought. ohhhhhhhhh the smeeelllll…..