An a Fair to remember (w/ Pic!)

$5 Funnel Cake. burnt
$2 Small Dr. Pepper. lukewarm and flat
$4 Small Cherry Limeade. overpriced, flat, watery, not cherry-y

Making memories and people watching??? Pricele- NO, it was still a complete rip off and sucked hard core.

Oh, yes, my friends, I did. I went to the fair! The Washington County Fair to be precise. Ben was working at it… not as a carnie…. doing his part-time Sheriff’s Deputy, (aka Dwight from the Office) and made me tag along because his sister was going to drop off Summit there after spending his SECOND NIGHT away from home last night. Oh, and I partied like a Rock Star while he was gone! Like a poor rock star with no money. I had to say no to a night out with friends, but ended up having a blast with a margarita and playing Phase 10 at some other friends house until 2 am. Yeah, you read right. 2 AM. I’m crazy like that. Ben had to work the fair LAST night too so I was flying solo.

Anyhoo, the fair. I visited the animal barns and actually had a fairly enjoyable time there. I was so busy watching the people and intrigued by this whole sub-culture I know nothing about. I mean, the cow I liked and would have picked as the blue ribbon one would be like in last place. I got to pet a calf, a sheep, a bunny and a baby goat that was very interested in consuming my fingers. I snickered immaturely at the bulls, called every pig Wilbur and got pranked by some dorky 4H kids with a spider on a string. Very mature guys.

and a lemur liked me! Randomness, I know, the Gentry Animal Safari was there doing a promo and the lemur crawled over to me. I was thinking of an episode of “When Animles Attack” (see below pic for my awkward smile) and imagined the lemur eating my face off, but it was nice and licked me. Summit was very interested in the lemur and wanted to grab its tail, but again, the “When Animals Attack” started to play in my head so I kept them separate.

This would be a good place to end, but I must add that after leaving with my parents, we had to turn around to bring Ben back the car keys so he could drive home, only to arrive home and remember that I had kept the keys to remember to go back to the car (on the opposite side of the fairgrounds from the entrance) to get my purse which had our garage door opener. My parents didn’t offer to take me all the way back to get said garage door opener. The DID, however, offer to drive me to Josh and Katie’s so I could invade upon them for the second straight nice and bum food off of them and wait there until Ben got off work to come pick us up. Josh and Katie, you guys rock.

  • Kelley Laney-Flowers

    Hey! I saw you there…but, you didn’t see me. I was looking at the baby pig and lemur and Ben walked up. You were loading Summit in the car…the fair was interesting.:)

  • David and Katy

    awww reminds me of the old days at the fair! glad you had fun…and the lemur didn’t eat your face…

  • Allison Nelson

    This blog sums up the blog that John and I were going to write after our time at the fair on Saturday. It sucked and was such a rip off! We were bitter for the rest of the day.