with respect {for tolerance}


I just read a comment on Facebook where someone said, "I refuse to tolerate ignorance of any kind." I had agreed with everything this person said until that sentence. All the truth and good in what she believed was erased by her fury for people who disagree with her in certain areas. I understand that "ignorance" is associated with a certain way of believing but it's also just that:  a lack of … [Read more...]

the real life.


watching them makes me happy. my two boys. Ben and I watch in amazement, their small bodies with such energy and drive, running around, making messes and giving us a peek into how much God does indeed, love us.  the second report card from kindergarten was mostly encouraging; improvement in areas but flat lined in others. the 6-year-old scribbles eclectically when others nearby press their … [Read more...]

a sneeze, please

about one time a year I get what I've called into "realist mode". I guess others might call it the blues because it's not a full on depression, but about this time in most Januaries that I remember I've felt this way. Perhaps it's a post-holiday season let down, the anticipation gone and the coldest month of the year in hand, but here I'm sitting again, trying to logically strip away my … [Read more...]

Signed,sealed and delivered


In my last post I talked about how I have been learning this unique lesson of invitation. I have been on this journey of learning what it means to be the first to look out, call out to a face with and unknown name in the crowd and invite them to come join me for this coffee date that happens to be right in the middle of this busy town square of life. It has certainly been a scary one but a … [Read more...]