with respect {for tolerance}

I just read a comment on Facebook where someone said, “I refuse to tolerate ignorance of any kind.” I had agreed with everything this person said until that sentence. All the truth and good in what she believed was erased by her fury for people who disagree with her in certain areas. I understand that “ignorance” is associated with a certain way of believing but it’s also just that:  a lack of knowledge or understanding but regardless– someone isn’t “ignorant” just because they don’t believe the same as you.  I realized how much lately this trend has frustrated me- this new usage of the word “tolerance” to define what some people believe in and if you don’t agree with them you are slammed with today’s ultimate insult: “You are being intolerant.”


I think the only way we can all live together is by mutual love and respect- to refuse to tolerate someone because of what they believe  is just as full of the same hate and division you perceive that person to possess by having a differing view on a subject. Irony much?!

The truth is, I enjoy being with people that have different political, religious and even sexual orientation than I do. I love to learn from them and see their inner beauty even if  we disagree on a few minor notes. I don’t care that we don’t agree on everything.

I’m not trying to be a doe-eyed idiot, I disagree with a lot of people and there are a lot of loud idiots yelling stupid things out there but so what if they don’t agree with me? Should that really matter or am I so insecure in my own beliefs that I need everyone to agree with me so I feel I must be right?  At the end of the day you don’t convince people to change certain religious and ideological views by telling them they are stupid or spewing hate all over them. You change opinions with a life lived in dignity, speaking your mind with intelligence, respect and love, showing others how your way is best (as perceived by you) by how you do this life thing.  Actions speak louder than words. 

Only insecure people demand that everyone agree with their way of looking at life at this tiny blip on the earth’s radar of human history.

{tol·er·ance} as defined by webster’s:

noun \ˈtä-lə-rən(t)s, ˈtäl-rən(t)s\

: willingness to accept feelings, habits, or beliefs that are different from your own  <–BAM.

: the ability to accept, experience, or survive something harmful or unpleasant

medical : your body’s ability to become adjusted to something (such as a drug) so that its effects are experienced less strongly

:  capacity to endure pain or hardship 

:  sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one’s ownb :  the act of allowing something 

So, I’m going to choose to be truly tolerant even when my pride is pricked when I know (ha ha) someone is wrong and encourage you to do the same. If the person I disagree with never comes around to my way of thinking- who cares? I’m still going to live my life with my convictions and show love and tolerance to others who don’t believe the same as me. 

I’m not always tolerant- so let’s be intolerant together:  I’m going to save my anger at injustice for for the victims of sex traffickers, child molesters and crooked government officials in countries where innocent victims are mass murdered, starved and oppressed for their skin color or religious beliefs. I’m angry at bullies and people who cut others down for their beliefs and differences. I’m angry at hatred but that doesn’t mean I hate. Perhaps it’s because  I have a special needs child and am a cracked and repaired mother, but I just see life differently now- I think there is commonality to be found if pride and pettiness can be set aside.

The truth is- I don’t know what ever hardship or pain you may have faced- but most likely I’d stand beside you to support you even if every single one of our opinions and core values didn’t align.

I know that some people will strongly agree with me and some others will strongly disagree with me on this post and I really do hope that it’s an encouraging call to action to treat others better. But even if you are one of the people that disagree with me- it’s ok, I support you.  :}

{My 6-year-old with William’s Syndrome serenading me.}



  • Jamie


  • bonnie


  • stephanielaney


  • The Park Wife

    I seriously love you.

  • Heidi Clark

    :)) aww I love you too!

  • Heidi Clark


  • Heidi Clark

    Thanks Bonnie! :))

  • Heidi Clark

    Thanks Jaime.

  • BrandiJeter

    Well said, Heidi. Perfect.