Western FASHION: Fatbaby


If you haven't figured it out from my blog- I love FASHION. I've been working on launching a fashion series for awhile and although I keep getting delayed... it will happen!! I live in the south, ya'll. Yes, I said "Ya'll" because it seemed appropriate. I go to rodeos, like the outdoors and married into a family that owns over 100 acres of land in the middle of nowhere. Although from Detroit, … [Read more...]

My sweet family…


Today we went to have our family pictures made. It was a beautiful, clear fall day. The kind that makes your blood rush in excitement, the leaves were colorful and bright- even the ones on ground still retained their intensity that this fall has provided. The wind tousled our hair and the children, those darling little angles, were... screaming. Yes. In spite of all the magic around us, Bear … [Read more...]