To Love Myself: Eating Disorders


For awhile now I'm been dreaming of starting my fashionista series about how to look as trendy and cute as possible while you are just BROKE.  I kept running into delay after delay and I finally realized that I needed to take a step back and try to get a look at what ELSE was going on. I'm being led to do something really uncomfortable again- I've known it for awhile but didn't really feel like … [Read more...]

Last Summer Storm

Here in the south we get the blazingly hot weather unexpectedly. It can be a frosty morning with a record high in the 90's by 3pm. I love the unpredictability of it all, I usually dress Bear wrong for school- shorts on the cool days and long-sleeves on the hot days. Tonight a cool front has moved it. We are suppose to get our first freeze soon and the air is teeming with the excitement of cool … [Read more...]

Twirling in Tube Socks


I can't dance. This is no surprise to anyone who knows me and my sister (who jumped in the air and her husband got this amazing picture)  is probably somewhere chuckling. Either I've really never been smooth on the dance floor (or anywhere else for that matter)  or the constant harassment of much more coordinated friends crushed my confidence in any ability I may have had. I tend to think that … [Read more...]

Life Now

As some of you may read, Ben is out of work right now, having lost his job the same week I got one. Despite the insanity, panic attacks and stress, I've begun to settle into whatever this transitional interim period is. It's weird with it's ups and downs and it's been an adventure to say the least. ...and I've noticed a crazy part of me is beginning to LOVE IT. I KNOW, I KNOW, after all my … [Read more...]