Life Now

As some of you may read, Ben is out of work right now, having lost his job the same week I got one.

Despite the insanity, panic attacks and stress, I’ve begun to settle into whatever this transitional interim period is. It’s weird with it’s ups and downs and it’s been an adventure to say the least. …and I’ve noticed a crazy part of me is beginning to LOVE IT.

I KNOW, I KNOW, after all my complaining on here you may want to slap me- but seriously, hear me out.

I’ve never really been good at living in the moment. I constantly plan (worry) about the future and what will happen. Doing that right now will just make me crazy so I’ve been taking every thought captive (well, most of them…) and hearing the voice of the lord telling me, “I care for the sparrow… how much more so do I care for you!” and it’s come in the most unusual ways:

-Finding just enough change to get drinks at Happy Hour at Sonic. :) Hey- sometimes it’s the little things.

-Finding checks we *forgot about* for several hundred dollars when the account has got low.

-Having doors open in places I’d never have looked otherwise. I’ve been able to do several free-lance projects that paid well and some random decorating jobs too!

-Finding very flexible, pay-as-you-come childcare for Bug. Bear’s childcare is still paid for through insurance. That fact alone is saving us TONS.

-Several very talented people have been essentially mentoring me through work related challenges. I’ve offered to pay them for their help and they’ve laughed at me. Having their support has been AMAZING. They are social media experts. Check out their blogs- Jasmine at The Brokins and Stephanie at Evolved Mommy.  The Blogging community is like a family.

-I’ve learned how to make Gluten-Free Bread (post upcoming) and Almond Milk (post upcoming) to save money and I LOVE doing it. I feel so… Laura Ingalls freakin’ Wildler.


-A stranger I met offered to pay my mortgage and any bills if I needed any financial help. WOW. WOW.

There are good times and bad. I like to focus on the good and breathe deep while I can.  I’m trying to stop fighting the tide and just seriously go with the flow. Life is an adventure and I want to embrace it, the good and the bad, and not only embrace it but thrive and LOVE it. Things are happening, there is a great awakening happening and I am so excited to see what tomorrow offers.



  • Jasmine


  • Jamie

    Thank you for being willing to share your journey, including finding moments of faith in the valleys! I definitely “get” the Sonic thing. It’s what I call a Simple Joy. I explain those in this blog: know the saying that basically says God uses what is meant for bad and uses it for good? Well I can’t help but think this is one of those times.